PETER Diving System

DAVID, 61, UK.

27 November 2013
DAVID, 61, UK.

Here is David May, from England. He is 61 years old and always wished to dive. We made his dream come true thanks to PETER Diving System.

He decided to undertake an underwater tour with us PETER Point Balneario Illetas and enjoy the subaquatic nature in these clear waters. So we geared him up with a wetsuit, fins and googles and prepared the PETER equipment. Then we explained him the basic rules for diving with PETER.

“Are you ready David? Let’s dive!”

First we dived over the seagrass meadows which host a high diversity of fishes and invertebrate species. They use the meadows as shelter but some also feed on them and nest. Moreover, we could observe how the seagrass canopy reduce the force on the waves, keeping the sand still on the seabed and finally providing the stunning transparency typical from the Balearic Islands.

We kept diving over the rocks next to the shore and enjoyed the interesting underwater landscape, including a beautiful arch carved on the rock by the sea.

Between the observed species we could see the poisonous “Greater Weaver” (“Escorpión”, Trachinus draco), swimming over the seagrass leaves, and a baby “Nacra” (also known as giant mussel, Pinna nobilis), one of the most emblematic and endangered species, endemic from the Mediterranean.

Trachinus draco

Pinna nobilis

David got really satisfied with the PETER experience and very happy to share our passion for the underwater world. We cannot wait to show you what is hiding under the surface. Come diving in Mallorca with us!

Photos & Text by Mica, PETER Guide at Beach Club Balneario Illetas.

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PETER Diving System